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OrderDirect Logo
OrderDirect Logo

With over 30 YEARS of industry experience behind us and a young vibrant approach, we at OrderDIRECT strive to provide you with the most INNOVATIVE, VERSATILE and USER-FRIENDLY ordering system on the market TODAY! We have designed our software to be FULLY integrated with your dispensing, stock and point of sale system. Bringing you vital information like LIVE STOCK ON HAND and up to date SALES HISTORY right to your fingertips, making the ordering process, not only a lot easier but financially effective. Along with the capacity of incorporating invoices directly to stock system Your staff will have more time to focus on customers and will never miss a low stock item again. Contact us for a free demonstration TODAY!


Our meticulously designed system fully integrated with your dispensing and stock programs allows you to stock your pharmacy with your bestselling products by generating orders based on your sales usage and current stock levels.

Live Stock On Hand
Live Stock On Hand

Avoid unnecessary buying and dormant stock make informed buying decisions with the view of your current SOH upon ordering the item.

Live Sales History
Live Sales History

With the Option to view sales history per product, from your ordering screen, you can better decide on the quantity required based on how well that item sold in previous trading periods.

Custom Product Filters
Custom Product Filters

Locate products effortlessly with search options based on Wholesaler, dispensing and POS descriptions as well as alphabetical order, frequently ordered, favorites, custom keywords, description, Nappi code, barcode, and stockcat code.

Efficient Ordering
Efficient Ordering

With the NEW SYSTEM FULLY incorporated into your pharmacy, your staff can now place orders from any terminal within your pharmacy. Orders can be placed straight from the stock room, dispensary, clinic, and front shop.

Basket Orders
Basket Orders

Create baskets of regularly ordered products to avoid having to search and add every single item each time you need to place an order.

Reliable Reports
Reliable Reports

Make profitable decisions for your pharmacy with easy to use predefined reports.

Load Stock Directly
Load Stock Directly

Order direct receives your electronic invoice straight to your system. On delivery, your stock clerk can receive stock and check your invoice against what’s already in the system and then simply load the new stock.

Quick Orders
Quick Orders

Quick search and order a customer’s request from the home page.

Recent Order Totals
Recent Order Totals

The Facility to view order totals and supplier credit limits before submitting an order gives you the purchasing power you need.

Support Communication
Support Communication

Should you have a query or request you can message a selected member of the support team directly.

Medical Scheme Pricing
Medical Scheme Pricing

View Medical Scheme Pricing on selected products.

Competitors Comparison


Address: 18 York Road Gillitts Durban
Tel: + 27 31 767 0796

How much easier can ordering stock really get? There’s no more need to sit for days receiving stock, not getting to your work.



28 Alexandra Road
Centurion 0157
+ 27 12 667 7300
07:30 – 17:00
Monday – Friday


95 Lourensford Road,
Somerset West, Cape Town
+ 27 87 802 2621
07:30 – 17:00
Monday – Friday


18 York Road
Gillitts Durban
+ 27 31 767 0796
07:30 – 17:00
Monday – Friday